At last I have sent off Module 9 for marking and it has been hard work. First there were trimmings samples to do of cords, braids, tassels, buttons, beads and rouleaux - 10 of each" Next to design a household item within specific parameters (I have designed a table runner). Thirdly to produce an equipment folder, which will become part of the course notebook covering numerous aspects of patchwork and quilting. Finally to make up the accessory designed and approved in Module 8 and mine was an Expedition Bag. Thankfully I have completed the bag and now I wait for feedback and fingers crossed that I have successfully completed Module 9.
Here is a photo of the finished bag and some images of the decorative parts which went into it.
It has lots of pockets both outside and inside to hold sketch book, pencils, camera, tablet, phone, money and personal things. It can be fitted with a cross body strap - not shown here.
To fulfil the City & Guilds requirements for this module there are some techniques used in the decoration. Dimensional flowers are on the back and the front, above the button and loop on the outer pocket.
Dimensional applique is becoming a real interest to me and it may be something we could enjoy at our quilting arts group.

This one is padded and the bud is rolled and its calyx is stuffed like Trapunto applique. Embroidery is added afterwards.
The one below is pleated fabric, again the calyx is stuffed and the stems are bias tubes. French knots are added to give the impression of small buds.

Note the self-covered buttons - another session at quilting arts??
The outer pockets are made from bias strips - a method invented by Jennie Rayment and which is a little bit like Cathedral Window quilting.
The sides of the bag are made from material which has been folded and tucked in a swirly pattern on the sewing machine.
Despite the bag being of a very useful design I can't use it because at the end of the course the School of Stitched Textiles (in Yorkshire) organises an exhibition of work and I may need to send it up to them for that. So for now it lives in a plastic bag!
With that off the agenda I plan to return to our Big Craft Bag project and to the completion of the Scrap House Quilt.
Watch this space .................