24th February 2014
For the Scrap House Quilt we need a variety of filler blocks as well as the little houses and landscapes we are already doing. So here are some instructions and photos showing how to make a Friendship Star (appropriate for our new group I think).

Using a 3.5" template (I ironed freezer paper on to my fabric) cut 2 squares of fabric A (orange) and 2 squares of fabric B (dark blue).

Press seams to the side and trim off the little corners. Now use these completed units to cut out some plain squares - one square from fabric B (mine is dark blue) and 4 squares from fabric A (mine is orange).
When all your pieces are cut out lay them right side up to see how the Friendship Star will look when you have sewn it together.

First sew the 3 top squares into a row and then the second and third rows.
Press the seams to the side as shown then join the remaining seams making sure to line up the previous seams so that the star is neat and accurate on the front.

Trim around the block edges to make a perfect square and save for later to insert into your quilt.
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