Plant pots are just one thing you can make using 3d applique but other simple shapes would serve equally well. For example, a big flower, a garden parasol, a cat or a dog or a car. Any simple shape that you can draw could become an addition to your patchwork quilt.
First I sketched the plant pot outlines then traced these on to Bondaweb (good old Bondaweb!). The Bondaweb was then ironed to the reverse of the fabric and the individual parts cut out roughly to start with.

Next the glue side of the shapes was fused to a backing fabric and I have chosen one that will serve equally well as the top fabric so that I can use my shapes either way round. They were cut out individually and the result is raw edge shapes made of two fabrics bonded together. They can be left with raw edges as they won't fray much or they can be edge stitched on the sewing machine - I think they would be too fiddly to edge stitch by hand.

I decided to finish the edges of mine on the sewing machine using a close zigzag stitch.
The appliques are quite firm and easy to sew and will have to be attached to the house block with stitching. I put a little strip of Bondaweb on the back of mine and fused them in place first before sewing.
When stitching them in position small details can be added. For example notice the rim around the top of the pots which was added after I had sewn them in place all around the outside edges. I anticipate adding some embroidered flowers in and around the pots but this will come later and possibly be combined with our next Bredon Crafters session as the planned activity is embroidery.
After all that I have only used two of my pots but the others are stored safely waiting until I need plant pots again.
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